Lessons in Wisdom
Chi Gung, Tai Chi Chuan and Wu Kung
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Lessons in Wisdom
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Green Dragon Red Dragon Chasing Tails

  TAOIST MEDITATION * Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Turn off your phone, loosen your belt/pants, remove all distracting influences. * Then sit sit down on the floor or in a straight-back chair, keeping your spine straight. Some people like to lie on their backs. If you do, try not to fall asleep. * Close your eyes and turn inward to your body. Feel the weight of your legs on the surface beneath you, the subtle pressure as your body gently touches the world around you. * Breathe in slowly and deeply, inhaling into your abdomen, the center of your being (Dan Tien). With each breath, tune into the power of your CHI, the vital energy flowing through your body. * Concentrate on your toes, inhale and become aware of the tension and breath out conflict, worry, pain, or stress. Think of the feet, shins and knees, inhale and become aware of sadness, loathing, anxiety or dread, then breath out these negative feelings. * Continue up your legs, abdomen, chest, arms, hands, head and each segmented parts of your body. Breath in, become aware of any negative emotion or feelings, and then breath out those feelings. Feel it leave your body with each breath.Let it go. * Alternately, breath out conflict and breath in peace, feeling the energy flowing in, warming, revitalizing, and renewing you. * Continue this focused breathing until you feel completely and deeply relaxed. * With each breath, feel the CHI energy flow through your body, tingling in your toes and finger tips. Deeply relaxed, affirm your oneness with the TAO (universe). * If distracting thoughts cross your mind, inhale with the thought of them, then exhale and have the thought (nian)release outward with the breath. * When you are ready to come back, think to yourself,"When I open my eyes, I will be truly refreshed and calm." Open your eyes. * After you open your eyes, feel refreshed, centered and rooted. * Enjoy!
